Bain Marie - 3 Module

Pricing - Per 1-4 Days, single use (Contact us for multiple use pricing)
Bain Marie - 3 Module

Bain Marie - 3 Module

Pricing - Per 1-4 Days, single use (Contact us for multiple use pricing)

Includes 2 x 1/3 and 2 x 1/6, 150mm deep pans and lids

1/3 x 150mm - GN Pan dimension: 150(H) x325(W) x 176(D) mm
1/6 x 150mm - GN Pan dimension: 150(H) x162(W) x 176(D) mm

Start up time: 17 mins between 10℃ and 25℃ and 20 mins more than 25℃

Note requires electricity to operate, refer Chafing Dish for an alternative hire option.

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